(9:06 PM)
notes from my CTC VISTA Project August 2006 Pre-Service Orientation
notes from teachforward.org presentation:
wikis. some are hosted services?
- wikispaces
- wetpaint (simplest)
- pbwiki (I'm thinking "lead wiki"?? they're thinking "peanut butter and jelly wiki")
- "remixing is the heart of cultural innovation" ??? (I disagree, but mostly because I dislike using the word "remixing" because it is a trendy word.
creative commons concerns:
- controlling expansion? / brand protection
- (apathy about copyright)
- perexisting copyrights and limitations on sharing
from the handout (almost exactly what it said in the bottom section):
- Larry Lessig: Free Culture (fun and important read. basis of Creative Commons. free pdf at http://free-culture.org/freecontent/); http://randomfoo.net/oscon/2002/lessig/free.html (flash movie with the same basic argument)
- Yochai Benkler: The Wealth of Networks (brilliant, dense. On the rise of internet enabled, social, nonmarket production. free pdf at http://www.benkler.org/Benkler_Wealth_Of_Networks.pdf); http://www.itconversations.com/shows/detail776.html (podcast of same material)
- Also: Emergence, Steben Berlin Johnson; The Wisdom of Crowds, James Suroweiki; Wikipedia articles on open source, open content, free culture; creativecommons.org
audience comments:
- wikispot - a hosted wiki service about places. there is a big Davis wiki. (when I wrote this down, I thought that the davis wiki was on wikispot. looking on the internet, I can't even find a wiki hosting service called wikispot, and the davis wiki certainly doesn't use it.
- why is drupal so big here?
- how is moodle related to drupal?
- openeducation.org
- schoolforge, eduforge
- what is elgg?
notes from nettrice's presentation:
- her blog: mixxnmash.blogspot.com
- requiring every student to blog: how many blogs does one person have to maintain?! on the other hand, if it's classwork it's classwork, and people should do it regardless of what they do outside of class.
- interesting (to me): having learned these web tools without other people, my interpretation is similar to other peoples' (this is good news)
notes on ctcvista.org:
- don't like the green sidebar
- was annoyed by the distorted thumbnails
notes from the crash course in "web 2.0" tools:
- I'm still not sure about using commercial tools for nonprofit or even for business purposes
- delicious has gotten really fancy with their js interface features
- check out the "alphabet soup" at ctcvista.org/node/53
tools we'll be encouraged to use:
other ctc vista things online:
- old ctc vista site
- alliance for community media
- association for community networking
- ctcnet
- national alliance for media arts and culture
- nonprofit tech enterprise network
- social networking sites for vista/americorps members
- techsoup learning center
- understanding, using, and expanding the "social web" for nonprofits - netsquared.org
- ctcnet resource center
media that matters talk:
- meadiathatmattersfest.org
- 16 short documentary films, with an organization focus on youth made films. (that focus isn't part of the selection process, though, which is age-blind. 6 of 16 films are made by 13-21 year olds!)
- online, both streaming and downloadable
- broadcasted, on cable and satellite stations
- dvd, all 16 on the same disc
- screenings, by random or official people. will send a free dvd and materials if you want to host a screening!
- this is cool, that they don't see having multiple distribution methods as conflicting.
- but what the lady talked about was mostly how cool it was that their young filmmakers were getting so much exposure. which I found obnoxious, so I kind of tuned out until the movies started. the list of 4 distrobution methods, above is directly from the brochure.
notes from the brainstorming session (things I'm interested in doing this year):
- getting people to use online tools effectively
- email lists like citizen speak/putting that on calruralhousing.org
- CMSes - architecture and plugins
- whiting/publishing article type things (longer, more complete, than blog entries. polished and publishable)
- collaborative documentation