scrap pad

on usable archives

this guy asks about making archived content more accessible: Usable Archives - A Pipe Dream?.

this got me thinking about everything2's "soft links"? (see the bottom of that page: the rectangular shaded box of links: those are the "soft links" for that node) They're a very, very effective way of getting people to click through to other content. They're essentially a weighted tag cloud of the links in a node and the things that people visit next after the current article; they rely pretty heavily on e2's internal linking (because that's what sends people to other pages, thereby building the soft links). They tend to have a good mix of related and almost-random content. They're not really suited to the context of a personal blog, though.

in many blogs, though, content isn't really created with any specific intent of future relevancy. I say "many," but also most topical/intellectual blogs are continuously relevent; ugh, I want to write this but my words are all scrambled.


who I am