spotlight hate (not-so-mini-rant)
I've thought spotlight sucks since the first time I saw it demoed by steve jobs. I eventually began to incorporate it into my workflow, mostly because the keys are under my fingers 90% of the time anyway. but every time I use it, I am reminded how much it SUCKS. 99% of the time I am looking for a document that I have opened in the past, 75% of the time I want to be able to reveal it in the Finder, and 80% of the time I don't remember the order of the words in the name or a phrase in the document. it often does not find documents when the words in the search term are not in the same order as the words in the name, and not cache any searches or sort by frequency of use. I'm not looking for everything related to soccer! I am looking for my "php use notes" file!
also, it's ugly and slow and the window is only a partial citizen of the finder and I fucking hate the blue expanding section things. also the mousing required to get info.
I also hate spotlight's sibling, the Finder's find command. find was millions of times better when it was system 7.5's "Sherlock." partly because it wasn't live! live sucks! it is slow! the computer starts thinking real hard when you ask for jpgs but haven't yet narrowed it down to jpgs created in june of 2005.
man, if 7.5 had only had some unixy center, it would have been the ultimate OS (to heck with mac os x 10.4's squeaks and creaks). I didn't fully realize how brilliant it was until I played with it in 2003.