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Tom Coates' 'Future of Web Apps' slides

I really enjoyed this presentation (presented feb 2006): Tom Coates' 'Future of Web Apps' slides (direct link to 16mb pdf) (the type was a little obtrusive because of the b/B/d/D/p/q/R curves and the xes, but otherwise nice).

notes (or, direct transcriptions of the slides) for quick reading later:

What is web 2.0? "A web of data sources, services for exploring and manipulating data, and ways that users can connect them together" (slide 16)

Some core components (slide 37):

  • Data sources
  • Standard ways of representing data
  • Identifiers & URLs
  • Mechanisms for distributing data
  • Ways to interact with / enhance data
  • Rights frameworks & financial

(what I've been thinking about a bit at work: data sources, ways to interact, rights frameworks)

re: housing policy interface design:

Paralell data representations (slide no. 59)

  • Destination Page - A core first-order concept and its subordinate information
  • List-view page - A slice of your data used to navigate between first-order conepts
  • Manipulation Interface - Interface for the batch manipulation of first-order concepts

Also, slide 64: Native to a Web of Data

  1. Look to add value to the Aggregate Web of data
  2. Build for normal users, developers, and machines
  3. Start designing with data, not with pages
  4. I dentify your first order objects and make them addressable
  5. Use readable, reliable, and hackable URLs
  6. Correlate with external identifier schemes
  7. Build list views and batch manipulation interfaces
  8. Create parallel data services using standards [ie RSS]
  9. Make your data as discoverable as possible


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