(5:55 PM)
Tom Coates' 'Future of Web Apps' slides
I really enjoyed this presentation (presented feb 2006): Tom Coates' 'Future of Web Apps' slides (direct link to 16mb pdf) (the type was a little obtrusive because of the b/B/d/D/p/q/R curves and the xes, but otherwise nice).
notes (or, direct transcriptions of the slides) for quick reading later:
What is web 2.0? "A web of data sources, services for exploring and manipulating data, and ways that users can connect them together" (slide 16)
Some core components (slide 37):
- Data sources
- Standard ways of representing data
- Identifiers & URLs
- Mechanisms for distributing data
- Ways to interact with / enhance data
- Rights frameworks & financial
(what I've been thinking about a bit at work: data sources, ways to interact, rights frameworks)
re: housing policy interface design:
Paralell data representations (slide no. 59)
- Destination Page - A core first-order concept and its subordinate information
- List-view page - A slice of your data used to navigate between first-order conepts
- Manipulation Interface - Interface for the batch manipulation of first-order concepts
Also, slide 64: Native to a Web of Data
- Look to add value to the Aggregate Web of data
- Build for normal users, developers, and machines
- Start designing with data, not with pages
- I dentify your first order objects and make them addressable
- Use readable, reliable, and hackable URLs
- Correlate with external identifier schemes
- Build list views and batch manipulation interfaces
- Create parallel data services using standards [ie RSS]
- Make your data as discoverable as possible