scrap pad

crude battery status graphs

graph 1, yellow line: battery percent charged vs. time (minutes).

graph 2, blue line: estimated time until battery is fully charged or discharged vs time (minutes).

It's difficult to get numbers from this because the scale is such that you can't tell exactly where the points are. there are a few discontinuities where either the computer was asleep or fully charged.

I don't feel like analyzing it much, but: note the leveling off of % charged as it nears 100% on the yellow graph; the slope of the decline of the yellow line shows how quickly the battery is discharging (the 5th decline: 180 minutes; the 7th: 190 minutes, though possibly that flat-ish spot should be a discontinuity for sleep).

the blue graph is kind of silly, because the thing being graphed is an estimate that the pmset utility makes. the curve is an interesting shape when it's charging, though. (charging is crudely denoted by negative numbers).

noted stuff related to this before: pmset, obsessed with graphing.


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