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macworld keynote reactions

  • apple announced their iPhone. to heck with the other (voip) iphone. I'm looking forward to gruber/daringfireball's take on it.

    personally, it makes me all twitchy because it has no buttons (can I tell which way is up when I grab it inside my bag? can I listen to my messages without looking at the phone? you mean I have to *look* to make sure my finger is on the button?). This reaction is mostly due to the endowment effect—my cell phone is the best evar. I thought I would, but I don't want the iPhone.

    other reaction: this is the future! or, the future is here. so much information in the pocket. more than scifi, because it is the communicator people carry + the ship's computer, except it doesn't talk, which is actually an improvement imho.

    And: 160 ppi screen is pretty amazing and awesome. I also think it means the iPhone uses vector-based OS graphics. I think vector based OS graphics are either assumed or already announced for leopard, because ui bits get unreasonably small on HD screens. Time for an amateur prediction for June: MacBooks with screens > 72 ppi. (update: current macbooks have 113 ppi, or something.)

    also, steve spent nearly the entire keynote on this. an hour and a quarter. I feel like that's longer than he's spent on anything, even the first ipod announcement. maybe it's because the iphone has basically every feature ever.

    p.s. come June I *will* be going to the apple store to scope out the iPhone.

  • I was suprised that there were no software announcements. also, no "and one more thing..." I guess they've already previewed leopard, so why bother doing it again? I half-expected some iwork announcements, but all-hardware is much bigger (there was hardware-specific software, but that kind of equals just plain hardware).

  • video of the keynote will be up later today.


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