(5:00 PM)
massive cleanup
these have been sitting on my desktop for a day/week/month.
- Harvard Business Review - "Breakthrough Ideas for 2007". eh. originally read it for #19, on successes that come out of trying a lot and failing a lot, via ethan zuckerman
- How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python, the Dive Into Python book points readers to this for more in-depth discussions of many concepts.
- Global Voices, a blog that rounds up entries from blogs around the world, especially from developing countries. ethan zuckerman is a co-founder.
- National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership, Democratizing Information. something I was going to look through for work, but didn't get around to. at first glance, it seems like it's trying to run with the social media/user contributed stuff idea, but in a nonprofit institution way. which might require an entirely different way of going about things than web 2.0 things does. I need to actually read it.
- do the right thing.com. kottke linked it the other day, and it is still tiny, and I am too lazy to help, but maybe it will be interesting later?
- visual thesaurus, which is fancy and isn't coming up for me? I don't really care, though, because the multi-word thesaurus is cooler.
- on some history of vegetarianism at the new yorker. via kottke I think.
- CJR daily, a media criticism blog-thing. I read a good article on it last week.
- wider angle. has a weekly "sunday reader" which is pretty awesome, especially because sundays are low-volume days for the blogs I read. via kottke.
- free open source GIS online class. about the course. work related.
- $70, 250 GB hard drive and a $9.99 power supply. things I might need if I do end up putting my roommate's computer back together and using it.