scrap pad

society of the spectacle

back in november I started to watch this movie by guy debord, the society of the spectacle. I think. anyway, I stopped at 12:08 and never got back to it, but made these notes.

"The oldest social specialization, the specialization of power, is at the root of the spectacle. The spectacle is thus a specialized activity which speaks for the ensemble of the others. It is the diplomatic representation of hiearchal society to itself, where every other form of speech is banned." (7:50)

"The more his life is now his own production, the more he is separated from his life. The spectacle is capital at such a degree of accumulation that it becomes image." (9:36) (last sentance makes no sense to me?)

turing completeness for the critical theory: "Critical theory should communicate itself in its own language." (10:03)

(society of the spectacle on wikipedia)


who I am