(12:37 AM)
current book list
Books that I have started recently but have not finished, oldest to newest:
- Feminism and Science Fiction, by Sarah Lefanu. This needs to be read with a good SF library at hand.
- Skin, by Dorothy Allison.
- Trampoline, a short story anthology edited by Kelly Link.
- The Best American Short Stories, 2006, edited by Ann Patchett. I haven't gotten past the table of contents.
- The Body in Pain, by Elaine Scarry.
- Tin House, Vol. 9, #3: Off the Grid.
- Learning Python, by Mark Lutz.
- The SFWA European Hall of Fame, a scifi short story collection edited by James Morrow and Kathryn Morrow.
This stack is only seven inches high but feels overwhelming. I probably won't need any more books until at least July; I won't have finished the stack by then, only gotten more impatient with it.